I finished the binding a couple of nights ago, and now it's done. Finito. Over. And what a great lesson-quilt it was. I learned so much while doing this - and many of my lessons can be seen (to me) in the flaws and unique features of this quilt. My binding is pretty poor and uneven, but as I stitched it, it got better and more even. And as much as I've whined about not wanting to do binding, it was really a lot easier than I thought it would be. It's now something I can do while in the recliner watching TV, like I do cross stitch.
Well done Cyndi, congratulations on your first quilt.
Congrats! You did an amazing job! Very pretty:)
Binding still intimidates me!
congratulations on your first quilt! That is a lovely job and each one will get esier and more lovely
VERY nice, Cyndi!!! What a sense of accomplishment you must have! Lovely colors.....
Well done! Congrats! I knew you'd tame it!
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