I have a beautiful 26-year-old daughter who's had a few health issues these past few years, but is on the way to eventually having everything resolved. In the meantime, she needs a lot of support and encouragement, and one of the best things we can do is laugh together. I saw this little kit at Michaels and just had to stitch it for her. Once I'd finished, I realized that it is an odd shape for framing, and decided to turn it into a flatfold. I used
this tutorial by Vonna of
The Twisted Stitcher. The hardest part was locating enough cardboard, and I ended up using two sides of a cereal box, and two thicker, sturdier pieces for strength. Vonna's tutorial is excellent, with great pictures and clear directions.

It now stands on its own like a little easel, and I hope my daughter likes it!
Both finishes are great..Im bound and determined to attempt a flatfold..havent yet though!
SUPER! It's cute and funny!
I'm glad you liked my tutorial :)
I write a lot of procedures at work and I love doing it, so I started doing tutorials for my hobby too! LOL! I'm a little anal...but it helps others and I love to do that too!
She's too cute!
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