Monday, October 27, 2008

For My Friend, Kathy - Courage - Donna Bayliss of By the Bay Needleart

When I saw this on Nancy's blog, I knew I had to stitch it for my friend and colleague, Kathy. She recently was diagnosed, had surgery to remove a lump, and is in the initial healing-from-surgery, beginning-radiation stage. There are a few complications she's dealing with, at the same time that her daughter (who played soccer with MY daughter) just had a biopsy on a lump in HER breast.

I made this into a bellpull - a NO-SEW bellpull, which happens to be a very easy way to finish my longer stitched pieces (see above post). I just use the hem tape - the kind that turns into glue when you iron it.


staci said...

What a sweet finish for your friend, I'm sure she'll love it.

Thinking of your friend and her daughter...I have a friend who just had a double masectomy and is now starting radiation too.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

It is gorgeous!

MysteryKnitter said...

What a terrible situation! That's not any easy to deal with! First your daughter, then that other woman and her daughter. I am glad you stitched that. I dare to say this: if someone stitched me something like this, I'd scream, just because this is beautiful.