My guild held its quilt show two weekends ago - I am just now getting around to posting about it. (Retirement keeps you busy...) It was held at the Yucaipa Community Center, which has a huge gymnasium that served as a wonderful location for our show. I joined the guild too late to be one of the in-show volunteers, but was able to do some service by helping with the dismantling on Sunday.
On Saturday I showed up just as it opened so I could take photos and see all the quilts. I deliberately left my wallet in the car - I knew that if I saw something I wanted, I could go home and think about it overnight, and go back on Sunday to get it. As it turned out, I was able to resist the call, and bought nothing.
Below are my favorites:
These were all the "wearables," including the antique pink dress at far right. |
"Goose Tracks Rainbow" by Mary Aslanis |
"Magritte & Me" by Laura West King. This one is made of thousands of little torn pieces. |
"Liz's Baskets" by Liz Kennedy |
"Amore Italia" by Mary Aslanis |
"New Zealand Memories" by Mary Aslanis |
"Tangled Threads" by Sharon Bergh |
"Trail's End" by Phyllis Whitlock |
"Memory Handkerchief Quilt" by Barbara Khacherian |
"Doug's Ties #1" by Cindy Chrisler |
"Betsy's Closet" by Phyllis Green |
"Pick Up Sticks" by Donna Gaston |
"Redlands Ties that Bind" by Nelda Stuck |
"Country Fair" by Phyllis Green |
What nice pictures. Great quilting!
I am speechless! Those are awesome!
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