I found a set of 100 (100!) business card magnets marked half off at Office Depot, and had to get them. I used the first one to turn this little piece into a magnetic pinkeep - it's on my fridge now.
If you'd like a free business card magnet - you peel off the paper to get to the sticky part - email me at cholmaneee at uia dot net and give me your snail mail address. First 10 will get a freebie magnet! You have to agree to make a magnet and post it for everyone to see!
you are a finishing dynamo
just reading your blog
and seeing all these addtl finishes
way to be
hooray foryour daughter and her teammates too
oh my gosh
i just read the above info
now am laughing at my attempts to post a comment
well you pick
i thought i am going nuts with these posting things
techno challenge abounds with me
have a good chuckle stop shaking your head
i think
oh my gosh she is a teacher
i should try harder to be with the program
What a lovely finish! I'd love to give one a try! Thanks.
You are one amazing stitcher!
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