Thursday, September 6, 2007

"Lavender Garden Mandala" by Martina Weber (Chatelaine Designs)

Finished! I was pleasantly surprised at how easy this one was. I plan to start one of Martina's larger mandalas soon, and I know they're pretty intense - so I thought I'd "practice" by doing a smaller one. What I like about this is you look at the pattern while you're working one part of the design, and then you don't have to look at the pattern any more - you just repeat, and use your own stitching as the guide. Even the beads were easy on this one. I'm not sure how well you can see them - there are gold ones in long angled rows in the corners, and then lots of lavender ones interspersed among the lavender Rhodes stitches in the border. Even the Rhodes stitches were easy. I think the gates on each side are really interesting - along with the "pond" in the middle (that's what Martina calls it).

About the frame: this was originally a $4.99 art print at Michael's, which was on sale at 50% off. I removed the glass and the backing; used a piece of quilt batting between the fabric and the backing, and then put the design and backing back in the frame. (I discarded the glass.)

Stitched on 28-count white Zweigert cashel
DMC floss, Kreinik gold #4 braid, Mill Hill beads


Anonymous said...

It is beautiful Cindy! The frame goes really well with that piece!

Nana's Quilts said...

Magnificent! I wished that I could enlarge the photo, but nonetheless, it's fabulous! Well done.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

It is stunning :)
Great job!!!

Mel said...

It is beautiful! I have very little patience with beads!!!

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