I was fiddling around on Pinterest the other day, and saw
this quilt. The artist calls it Ribbon Lattice. I really, really like that quilt. Then last year there was a month in Stash Bee where the block we did was called Simply Woven (a Moda Bakeshop Pattern). Here are the Simply Woven blocks I made for Stash Bee:
Now it's my month for Stash Bee in 2015, and I've edited a post from the last time around since I'd love to have more of the same blocks.
Please use a SOLID WHITE background, that's truly white. Examples would be Kona White or Bella, but just make sure it's not cream, or even a light cream. For the strings, use bright colors, but no black.
I figured I could follow the steps in the Simply Woven tutorial but use 1" strips, and come up with a block to my liking. So here we go, and I'll call this Woven Strings.
You'll need 1 9" square of background fabric, and 6 to 8 "strings" that are 1" wide and between 10" and 12" long.
1. Make a freehand slightly curved cut about 1 1/2 - 2" from the left side. |
2. Add one of your strings. Press towards the dark. |
3. Turn the square so that the first string is horizontally across the top. Make another cut - either slightly curved or straight. Try to mix them up. |
4. Insert another strip. |
5. Turn the fabric again so that the most recent string is at the bottom as shown. Make another cut. |
6. Insert another strip. |
7. Keep going - you can make the strings closer together if you wish, to get 4 strings across instead of 3. |
8. Keep going! |
9. Another one! |
10. (I cut before I took the photo...) |
11. More... |
12. Looks like I have room for yet another string. |
13. So make another cut. |
14. While this is the last one I inserted for this block, it's possible that you've cut yours close enough together that you can do four across and four down. I'd like any combination - 3 + 3, 3 + 4, or 4 + 4. |
15. Please do not trim the blocks - I'll trim them to the size I want when I get them. |