This is what happens when a) it snows all day; b) it rains for an hour; c) the temps go down to 15˚ during the night; d) two inches of ice are created under the snow; and e) the snowplow scrapes off the snow.
We watched the gal up the street try to get down - she slid all the way. She couldn't stop at the bottom, where our road hits the main road through town, and slid all the way across into the garage on the other side. Our neighbor Tom C has a small bulldozer - he put the chains on it, and then tried to get going. He got no traction, even with a bulldozer, and gave up.

We put heavy plastic sheeting over the bedroom windows with duct tape - even our heavy duty thermal curtains couldn't keep out the cold.

Don worked for two hours to clear the berm from behind my Jeep - so that later, if the cinder truck makes it up our street, I can try to get down. I need to go to the school board meeting tonight. But first, it will take an hour to scrape the thick layer of ice off the Jeep - I'm going to have to try to break it just to get the door open to get in.
This is southern California, believe it or not!